Join Scalehouse for a Creative Writing Workshop facilitated by Krayna Castelbaum in conjunction with our exhibition Mt Pile, featuring Nan Curtis. Creative Writing Playshop: Pile As Metaphor For Family? The thrills! The chills! Nothing else supplies material, or catalyzes the creative impulse, like the complex territory of family. Join the expedition, where family is our springboard for an imaginative romp. Experience creative writing prompts that stimulate creative play and free the mind for spontaneous experimentation. Excellent for fledglings and experienced writers alike. Promise! Facilitator: Krayna Castelbaum, Creativity Instigator I work with individuals, couples, and groups, honoring the creative impulse through writing, art-making, humor, and other creative acts. I publish Poem of the Month and facilitate monthly Poetry & Creative Writing Playshops. Learn more:
April 7, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Scalehouse Collabortive for The Arts