“Do What Makes You Happy!” is the slogan for the Happy Girls Run, so you know you’re in for a treat. Happy Girls Run brings together women of all levels of fitness and achievement for races that are nothing short of life-changing for many runners. Featuring various distances (Half Marathon, 10k & 5k), there’s a perfect length for everyone. Bring the little ones to our Happy Girls Bend event to run in the Happy Little Kids Run, a part of the Kids Rock the Races Series!
One of the most beautiful courses you’ll ever experience! Grab your bestie and take in the beauty of the Deschutes River as you embark on a tour of Bend that winds through the heart of the Old Mill District, through downtown, along the northern river canyon and finishes in River Bend Park. A mix of trails with some road sections, the course is well-marked with inspiring signs for optimal woman power.
May 25, 2019
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