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Heart ‘n Home Hospice & Pallative Care

by | Sep 17, 2021

51681 Huntington Rd., PO Box 3540
Oregon, 97739


About Heart ‘n Home Hospice & Pallative Care

Heart ‘n Home Hospice affirms life by providing emotional, physical and spiritual support to our patients and to those who love and care for them. With hospice, you only get once chance to do it right. Our mission emphasizes that focus on the phrase “affirms life.” Our patients are our top priority, likewise, their well-being is important to us. Heart ‘n Home ensures that our patients receive holistic care. That they are taken care of completely – emotionally and spiritually, as well as ensuring the physical needs are being met through pain and symptom management. Heart ‘n Home is a level 4 member of We Honor Veterans and we offer Veteran-centered care for Veterans on our services. Our mission shows the love and comfort that we have, not only for the patients but for their families.

Anyone can refer someone to hospice care or request information. With this in mind, getting hospice care started is a rather simple process. The earlier a person is referred, the more Heart ‘n Home Hospice can do to help. The patient and family receive the most benefits if they begin hospice services before it is a crisis. Sadly, many people believe that hospice is unavailable or inappropriate until literally, the last days of a person’s life. To refer some to hospice, call 1-800-HOSPICE (1-800-467-7423) or use our easy online referral form.

Through hospice, patients can enjoy a better quality of life. Hospice care is aimed at pain relief and symptom control, rather than being a curative treatment. In fact, hospice provides many benefits for everyone involved, not just the patient. Our staff also teaches the family to provide care so they feel more confident in their caregiver role. We can help you decide if hospice is the right choice for you and your loved ones. Most importantly, Heart ‘n Home affirms the life of the patient AND those who love and care for them.