About Sisters Rhythm & Brews Festival
Join us for the Sisters Rhythm and Brews Festival – it’s a two-day music event nestled in the small town of Sisters, Oregon. Our vision is to bring high-quality blues musicians to Central Oregon while supporting the local community.
At Sisters Rhythm & Brews Festival we see the event as an opportunity to introduce new faces to the Sisters community. Ticket holders will enjoy five-star entertainment and award-winning local craft beers, all within walking distance. Best of all, visitors get a chance to enjoy our breathtaking mountain scenery. And like the other events in Sisters, local businesses will benefit from the visiting musicians and ticket holders. The Sisters Rhythm & Brews Festival will support environmentally-conscious practices.
Grab your beer-stein, munch on local grub, relax and repeat. Don’t forget to dance, too.
There’s no shortage of lodging in Sisters. Whether you’re looking for a romantic spot for you and your partner after the Sisters Rhythm & Brews Festival, a house for you and your friends, or a budget-friendly night in the wilderness, Sisters has something for you.
We are proud to say that Sisters Rhythm and Brews Festival is not an all-for-profit company. The Festival will give back to the Sisters community by donating proceeds to local nonprofits and charities specializing in housing and empowering youth and families, such as the Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild Program and Sisters Habitat for Humanity.
Good Stewards of the Environment
We here at Sisters Rhythm and Brews want to be good stewards to the environment. It is our goal to be responsible about our waste and ask that you join us in our efforts.
We are excited to offer commemorative beer cups for you to fill and refill at the beer gardens. Not only will you help us cut down on our plastic waste, but you’ll get a nifty souvenir by purchasing a glass.
In addition we will serve out of compostable cups in the beer gardens.
We also encourage you to bring a reusable water bottle from home to stay hydrated – we will provide water bottle filling stations at each of our stage locations. Help us cut down the amount of plastic waste we produce.
Note: This event was postponed to 2021.